Wednesday, May 23, 2012

My Precious Gift

Adopting out of foster care gives me a gift that I feel like I would not have any other way. That gift is being able to pray for my child, wherever he or she may be right now. I mean, I prayed for our baby while we were trying to conceive, but they weren't here, living on earth yet, so this feels completely different.

I am praying for the well being of a child this is now living, breathing, learning new things and experiencing life somewhere in Colorado at this moment. As a parent, this is the only thing I can do for my child in this season of our journey, and I feel blessed to be given the opportunity.

I prayed for my husband for years in this same way, long before we ever met each other. I would pray that God would keep him safe, that God would be guiding his life and decisions, and just that he was over all happy, along with other stuff, and I have always felt that that was a very special thing that has connected us.

I think that it is amazing that I get to have the same connection with my child, and that Cody gets to share in this amazing gift and opportunity that we have been given. I pray similar things for our child that I prayed for Cody; that they are safe, that they would not be aware of any wrong doing being done around them, and that they are feeling love from someone around them.

We haven't even met our child yet, but I already feel like I love them through the love that I get by praying for them daily.

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