Sunday, April 11, 2010

Servant's Heart

Today at church we focused on serving our community. I have always had a very strong servant's heart (I was the kid who when in elementary school when asked would volunteer to help the teacher do something during recess instead of going outside to play with my friends). I just love being able to help people (it's part of the reason I am a massage therapist), whether it be something they can't do on their own, or just to get something off of their to do list so they can focus on something more important. Giving of yourself is a very practical way to show God's blessing to people around you, whether you know them or not.

A lot of people think they need to go on an overseas missions trip to do any good. While that is a great thing to do, people need to remember that there are people all around where you live that could use your help every day. Maybe it's someone at your school/workplace. Maybe it's just someone walking behind you at a store who you hold the door for. Or maybe it's someone who lives in the same house as you (mom, dad, siblings, husband or wife). We are so quick to think of loving our neighbors that we tend to forget about and take for granted the people that care about us the most. If we tried to do at least one nice, giving thing for someone in our families I bet that the atmosphere in our homes would change and it would be a more peaceful place.

Also, reaching out to someone you don't know, or hardly know at all could have a HUGE impact on their lives. When they see that someone cared about them enough to do something nice for them it just may inspire them to do something nice for someone else. Plus, even if they don't realize it right away, it shows them God's love and plants a seed in their hearts that hopefully will eventually grow.

I challenge anyone who reads this to take a step outside of their busy lives and do something nice and unexpected for at least one person every day this week. You may be surprised to see that not only will you be blessing those people, but you will also feel blessed by serving others. I would even go as far as to say that you will even be happier in general this week.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post Bonnie! I agree happiness comes out of serving! It was great to find your blog! :-)

