Thursday, September 30, 2010

Thank God for perfect timing...

The women's retreat for my church is coming up this weekend, and while I haven't really been too excited about going, I definitely feel like it is coming at the perfect time. I am so stressed out because of the whole not having a job for the past 2 months thing, and spend a lot of time by myself, which can be good at times, but with too much alone time you can start to feel crazy. I am grateful that I will have this weekend to be able to focus on God and hopefully he will help re-center me so that I don't constantly feel like the world is about to implode on me. The theme for the retreat is Joy, which is great because I haven't felt much of that lately.

Time with women has always refueled me, there is just something about being able to let your guard down around people of the same gender that always seems to help. I'm hoping that at the end of this weekend I will have a different outlook on life. Please pray that God would open my heart to hear/learn what he wants me to this weekend.